Founder Bea Dixon on All Things Feminine Care.
There are plenty of things that womanhood throws our way. Between all of the symptoms that come with our monthly reminder that we aren’t with child— and navigating the changes that pregnancy and motherhood bring to our bodies— the private browser search of questions gets longer and longer as the years pass.
So let’s talk feminine washes. Do you, or don’t you? Some say you need it, others say your body has its own methods of cleaning— it’s real hard to keep up. Here’s the truth. When it comes to knowing your body, only you will know exactly what to do. Take it from The Honey Pot founder, Bea Dixon. After struggling with keeping her own PH balanced, she was able to find a solution— with some help from plant-based ingredients. From there, she was able to create a brand that helps us women embrace our Honey Pots. We caught up with her to talk about all things feminine care
Tell us everything there is to know about The Honey Pot and the amazing plant-based ingredients in your products.
Bea: I created Honey Pot back in 2012 after dealing with eight months of a recurring bacterial vaginosis infection I did it all, the antibiotics, the doctors’ visits and nothing was working. I tried everything you can think of both over the counter and home remedies and I kept finding myself back where I started. One night I had a dream with an ancestor and she gave me a list of ingredients. I woke up and made the formula that she gave me in my dream. I used the wash and within days my symptoms had disappeared. I knew I wasn’t the only woman dealing with BV and other vaginal issues so that was how The Honey Pot Company was born. I officially launched Honey Pot in 2014 after selling 600 bottles in one weekend at the Bronner Brothers hair show in Atlanta and the rest is history. The Honey Pot Company is based in Atlanta, GA.
We notice that you have products that support us during all phases of womanhood. Can you tell us why one size does not fit all when it comes to feminine care washes?
Bea: Just like skincare comes in a range of functions and types, our feminine care should too. Our vaginas are not all alike. Some women are ultra-sensitive, while others are not and pregnant women and new mothers are dealing with hormonal imbalances and have special needs when it comes to their feminine hygiene.
Organic Duo-Pack Tampons, $8.99
What stigmas would you like to break down for our readers when it comes to feminine care?
Bea: First off, all humans with vaginas are going to have issues at some point in their lives. Whether that is dealing with BV or yeast, fibroids, pelvic pain, heavy periods, irregular periods, pain during sex and a host of other problems. It’s totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of as millions of other women have or will experience these issues too. We are focused on giving girls and women healthy options that can alleviate some of the issues or make things more tolerable so they aren’t suffering month over month. Loving yourself and taking care of your vagina is crucial to breaking down the stigma. She is part of you and needs to be treated with love and care.
What are some ways being a Black Female Founder has allowed you to speak out against racial injustice through your brand? What is something you hope to spread to readers everywhere?
Bea: As a woman of color, I use my point of view to shape how I approach racial injustice. We have always been inclusive. We are more than just racially inclusive but we’re inclusive of humans of all backgrounds. I hope that people stop placing artificial labels on people and allowing those made up labels to stop them from getting to know someone or respect someone. We are all humans trying to figure out this process and journey called life. Let’s all give one another some grace along the way.
Sensitive Wash, $9.99
We love knowing more about what goes on inside your four walls. Can you give us an inside scoop about what it’s like at the (virtual) Honey Pot headquarters and any new products that may be headed our way?
Bea: Well the entire team is working remotely right now. So we’re all on zoom and uber conference calls daily. We’ve had a few birthday celebrations and happy hours via zoom so we can stay in touch since we’ve been quarantining since March. We’re launching new products later this year that we’re super excited about. I can’t give too many details but they are definitely much-needed and will be wonderful additions to our current line-up.
Can you tell us more about your collaboration with Happy Period? What inspired you to want to work to help provide menstrual care for those in need— and can you tell us why that is so important?
Bea: Our partnership came from an organic place of wanting to help girls and women get access to healthy feminine care. I found out about Chelsea’s organization [Happy Period] and immediately wanted to align as there are thousands of women across the country who don’t have menstrual products which makes no sense to me. It’s just criminal how homeless, runaways and prostitutes are completely disregarded. We all deserve dignity and humanity – no matter who we are or where we are in life.
Last question. We talk about the internet’s best brands (and we trust that you’ve tried a few). We’d love to know about any more brands that you support – and why?
Bea: I love so many different brands from Pholk Beauty, Vitruvi, Folie Apothecary, and Loli Beauty.