Forward Newsletter | Issue 19: Last One of 2021

It’s Here,

Can you smell 2022 in the air? Because we’ve made it to the end of 2021, and wow have we gotten a lot done. This time last year, The Verticale was still a baby learning to walk with only us to guide it. We were working from a small office in the East Village and lived off of caffeine. Now? We have a strong team (we’re so grateful for), we’ve brought on over 75 brands, we’ve launched a newsletter and a new website, and we’ve also met all of you!

We’re so thankful for your support of us, and look forward to a busy busy 2022; we’ve got A LOT in store for you. For now, keep shopping, doing and living by what you stand for. Enjoy our final newsletter of 2021, and we’ll see you in the New Year!

Hopefully this will be a better companion than trying to coordinate a mask with your NYE outfit ✨ See you in your inbox, every Wednesday.

-Jaclyn + Michelle, Founders

The Best of 2021: Products Our Crew Loved

The Nori Press: The board-less iron for easy routines.

Totte Earrings: To be worn as effortless hoops or easy studs.

Champagne Problems Puzzle: Prioritize unwinding and toasting to our problems. 

The Olive Oil: The kitchen staple, remastered.

Intelligent Hair Towel: For infinite good hair days.

Porter Mug: Take your caffeine addiction on the road.

Sydney at 8am Made for award-winning pouty lips.

Alohas Bicolor Boots: Very Charlie’s Angels (minus the male gaze). 

Light it into Existence: Smell the  lavender, rose, patchouli blend.

Modern Picnic: Take your lunch on the go, and look hot too.

Busy Doing What?: Our Founders Keeping it Real

Jaclyn’s Busy…

Michelle’s Busy… 

Top: Michelle (COO and Co-Founder), Ioli (Copywriter), Leena (Marketing Coordinator) Bottom: Madeline (Operations Associate), Jordan (Content Marketing Manager), Jaclyn (CEO and Co-Founder)

 ICYMI While You Were Wondering How 2022 NYE Glasses Work…

Diving Deep: Your New Year’s Resolution is probably going to fall flat

As we welcome a new year, we tend to follow the statement with “new me.” Each and every year we hold ourselves up to a challenge that drastically changes our fixed routines and has no consideration for our environments or schedules. 

A recent study found that 59% of individuals had a goal of exercising more, 54% wanted to eat “healthier,” and 48% wanted to lose weight (participants could choose more than one option). Now, remember this when we tell you that 64% of resolutions made are abandoned at the end of January– after only four weeks! That’s about two-thirds!

So where are we going “wrong”? For one, many of us build our resolutions around societal expectations and standards rather than things we would truly enjoy. Many of us also see goals in terms of destinations and not journeys. Meaning that we see the end goal without considering how it’ll better us over time. Finally, we all think too big! It’s very overwhelming. 

We don’t need a new you– we like the old you! Start the year off right with some non-toxic, achievable goals that blend seamlessly with your life. Check out our suggestions here.

See ya next week, same time same place.